Strength in Strides: NCL Jayant Area, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh CSR Initiative Empowers 2042 School Girls with SPEFL-SC’s Self-Defense Training

KiIt distribution image (Shasakiya Kanya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay )


In a commendable effort to empower young girls and enhance their personal safety, the Sports, Physical Education, Fitness, and Leisure Skills Council (SPEFL-SC) has conducted impactful self-defense training programs in collaboration with Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) in various schools. The initiative has made a significant impact in six schools across different regions, benefiting a total of 2042 girls.

Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), Singrauli, a major contributor to the nation’s energy needs, has undertaken a noteworthy CSR initiative to empower girl students in the Jayant and Kakari areas. The General Managers of NCL Jayant and Karki areas, Mr. Amar Nath Pandey and Mr. Nalin Kumar Khulbe, respectively, signed an MOU with SPEFL-SC CEO Mr. Tahsin Zahid on August 8, 2023.

This collaborative effort aims to provide self-defense training to 7550 girl students in government schools and colleges of Jayant and Kakri areas. The three-day program equips them with essential self-defense techniques and strategies, empowering them to combat harassment and assault. Upon completion, each student will receive a “Nirbhaya Self Defense Kit” containing a key chain alarm, whistle, pepper spray, and stinger. This initiative not only imparts crucial skills but also instills confidence in the girls, enabling them to navigate day-to-day challenges and protect themselves. The anticipated impact on the lives of 7550 girls is profound, as these life-saving skills will stay with them throughout their lives.

This commendable endeavor reflects the commitment of SPEFL-SC and NCL towards creating a safer and more empowered environment for young girls through comprehensive self-defense training. The initiative, which has already made a significant impact in its initial phase, serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts to extend this crucial training to a total of 4030 girls in the Jayant area.

1. Shasakiya Kanya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay (Wiadhan):

At Shasakiya Kanya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay (Wiadhan), SPEFL-SC implemented a comprehensive self-defense training program. The objective was to equip girls with essential skills to defend themselves in various situations. The training covered techniques for escaping holds, effective strikes, and awareness strategies. The girls at Wiadhan demonstrated enthusiasm and dedication throughout the training, fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence.

Kit Distribution Image (Sasakiya Kanya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay)

2. Shasakiya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay (Jayant):

In Jayant, the self-defense training by SPEFL-SC aimed to instill a sense of self-reliance among the girls. The program focused on practical scenarios and real-life situations, ensuring that the participants gained hands-on experience in applying self-defense techniques. The school witnessed a positive transformation as the girls embraced the importance of personal safety and the value of the skills acquired through the training.

3. Shasakiya High School (Nawanagar):

At Shasakiya High School in Nawanagar, SPEFL-SC’s self-defense training was tailored to address the unique challenges faced by the girls in their community. The program emphasized the importance of situational awareness, quick thinking, and assertiveness. The girls learned to navigate potential threats effectively, fostering a sense of resilience and self-assurance.

4. Shasakiya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay (Vindyanagar):

In Vindyanagar, SPEFL-SC’s self-defense training program aimed to create a safe and supportive environment for the girls. The curriculum covered both physical and mental aspects of self-defense, emphasizing the importance of self-confidence and self-esteem. The impact was evident as the girls not only developed physical prowess but also exhibited a heightened awareness of their surroundings.

Kit Distribution Image (Shasakiya Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay)

5. Shasakiya Modern Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay (Pachaur):

SPEFL-SC’s self-defense training at Shasakiya Modern Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay in Pachaur focused on empowering girls with a strong foundation in self-defense techniques. The program incorporated elements of martial arts, building the girls’ strength, agility, and coordination. The girls gained not only physical skills but also a new sense of self-discipline and determination.

Kit Distribution Image (Shasakiya Modern Uchhatar Madhyamik Vidyalay)

6. Kendriya Vidyalay (Jayant):

The self-defense training at Kendriya Vidyalay in Jayant aimed to create a culture of safety and preparedness. SPEFL-SC worked closely with the school to customize the program to the specific needs and challenges faced by the girls. The training sessions instilled a sense of responsibility and self-awareness, contributing to the overall well-being of the participants.


The success of SPEFL-SC’s self-defense training programs in these six schools is unmistakable, evident in the transformed mindset and enhanced skills of the 4030 participating girls. Going beyond physical techniques, the training has instilled in them a profound sense of confidence, resilience, and a proactive approach to personal safety. This initiative’s ripple effect is poised to contribute significantly to the creation of a safer and more empowered community. SPEFL-SC’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of young girls stands as a testament to the positive and enduring impact that specialized self-defense training can have on individuals and communities alike.

In the aftermath of SPEFL-SC’s self-defense training, the girls articulate a remarkable shift in confidence and empowerment. Armed with practical self-defense skills, they convey a heightened awareness that nurtures a proactive mindset toward personal safety. The bonds formed during training sessions foster a supportive community, amplifying emotional well-being. This transformative experience is a testament to the enduring impact of SPEFL-SC’s programs, leaving these girls not only with enhanced skills but also with newfound agency and resilience.

Fortifying Confidence and Safety: Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Chauri Chauri, Gorakhpur

self defense training at government ITI

Day 1: Laying the Foundation – Awareness and Preparedness

The first day of the training program focuses on building a strong foundation in self-defense. Participants begin by understanding the significance of situational awareness. This includes recognizing potential risks, evaluating surroundings, and making informed decisions. By cultivating this proactive mindset, participants develop the ability to avoid unsafe situations altogether.

Identifying and Assessing Threats

Trainers lead participants through discussions and practical exercises to grasp various types of threats and evaluate their level of severity. By learning to differentiate between different levels of potential danger, participants gain a critical understanding of preemptive action. This knowledge serves as a cornerstone for the physical techniques they will acquire in the following days.

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Day 2: Physical Proficiency and Confidence Building

Day two dives deep into the physical aspect of self-defense. Under the expert guidance of instructors, participants learn a range of techniques including strikes, blocks, and holds. These techniques are tailored to individual strengths and abilities. Through structured practice sessions, participants develop coordination and confidence, enabling them to employ these techniques effectively.

Building Confidence and Assertiveness

In addition to physical techniques, day two emphasizes building confidence. Participants are encouraged to adopt a strong and assertive demeanor. This newfound self-assuredness is a crucial component of self-defense. Cultivating a sense of inner strength makes participants less likely to be targeted and more capable of asserting themselves in any situation.

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Day 3: Application and Integration

The final day of training is dedicated to bridging the gap between theory and practice through realistic simulations. Participants engage in a series of role-playing scenarios that mimic real-life threats. This immersive experience challenges participants to employ their self-defense techniques while dealing with heightened emotions and adrenaline. The controlled environment allows them to build a sense of empowerment and resilience.

Integration into Daily Life

After learning new skills, participants are shown how to use them in their everyday life. They learn to pick safer paths when alone, stay watchful in busy places, and teach their families and communities about staying safe. By taking part in their own safety, participants help make the world a safer place for everyone.

Conclusion: A Future Empowered

The self-defense training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Chauri Chauri, Gorakhpur, is more than just a series of physical techniques. It’s a transformative experience that empowers young women with a proactive mindset, physical proficiency, and unwavering confidence. The impact of this training extends beyond the immediate workshop. Participants become advocates for safety within their communities, creating a ripple effect of positive change. As they step forward with newfound empowerment, they not only ensure their personal security but also contribute to a safer and more confident society.

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Safeguarding Safety: A Three-Day Self-Defense Training Workshop at World Bank Mahila Government ITI, Varanasi

self defense training by SPEFL-SC at ITI Karundi

Day 1: Building a Foundation of Confidence

The first day kicks off with a crucial lesson on situational awareness. Participants learn to identify potential threats and assess their surroundings effectively. By understanding the importance of being mindful, individuals can significantly reduce their vulnerability in public spaces.

Fundamental Strikes and Blocks

Experienced instructors, using awareness as the foundation, introduce participants to basic striking and blocking techniques. They guide each student through the correct form and execution, ensuring that the students are well-equipped to defend themselves if necessary.

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Self defense training at Govt. ITI karundi, Varanasi day 1 image 1 .1

Day 2: Mastering Defensive Techniques

Day two delves deeper into self-defense techniques, focusing on grappling and escapes. Participants learn how to break free from various holds and restraints, empowering them to regain control in close-quarter encounters.

Effective Use of Everyday Objects

In this session, attendees discover the art of turning everyday objects into potential tools for self-defense. From umbrellas to keys, participants gain invaluable insights into using their environment to their advantage, providing an extra layer of protection.

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Self defense training at Govt. ITI karundi, Varanasi day 2 image 1.1

Day 3: Realistic Scenarios and Empowerment

The final day of training puts participants to the test in realistic scenarios. Under the watchful eye of skilled instructors, attendees face simulated situations that mimic real-life encounters. This hands-on experience allows them to apply the techniques they’ve learned in a controlled environment.

Building Mental Resilience

Self-defense goes beyond physical techniques; it requires mental fortitude. On the last day, participants engage in exercises aimed at building mental resilience and confidence. Through mindfulness practices and visualization techniques, attendees leave the course not only physically prepared but mentally empowered.

The instructors: Experts in Empowerment

The training at Government ITI Karundi, Lucknow, is conducted by a team of seasoned instructors certified by the SPEFL-SC. With years of experience in martial arts and self-defense, they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the program. Their dedication to empowering individuals shines through in their teaching methods, ensuring that each participant leaves with a newfound sense of confidence and capability.

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Conclusion: Empowerment Starts Here

The self-defense training program offered by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Karundi, Lucknow, is a transformative experience that equips individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to protect themselves in an unpredictable world. By focusing on situational awareness, practical techniques, and mental resilience, participants emerge from the course with a renewed sense of confidence. Don’t miss this opportunity to unleash your inner warrior – enroll today and take the first step towards a safer, more empowered future.

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Empowering Confidence and Safety: Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Aliganj, Lucknow

self defense training at aliganj ITI

Day One: Empowering with Knowledge- Self-Defense Essentials

The first day of the training program focuses on establishing a strong foundation in self-defense. Participants delve into the essentials of situational awareness, learning to assess their surroundings and identify potential threats. Through interactive discussions and exercises, the participants develop a proactive mindset, enabling them to avoid potentially risky situations.

Understanding Threats: Identifying Potential Dangers

A significant aspect of self-defense is recognizing different types of threats. Participants engage in discussions about common scenarios and potential risks they might face. By understanding the nature of various threats, individuals are better prepared to take preemptive action, further strengthening their safety net.

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self defense training at Government ITI Aliganj, Lucknow day1 image 1.1

Day Two: Mastering and Empowering Through Physical Techniques

On the second day, the focus shifts to mastering physical techniques. Expert instructors guide participants through a range of techniques, including strikes, blocks, and holds, tailored to individual strengths and abilities. Through rigorous practice sessions, participants build physical strength, coordination, and muscle memory, empowering them to respond effectively in challenging situations.

Building Confidence: The Key to Effective Self-Defense

Physical prowess is just one aspect of self-defense. Confidence plays a pivotal role in ensuring the techniques learned are applied effectively. Day two places a significant emphasis on building self-confidence among the participants. In a supportive and encouraging environment, individuals challenge their limitations, ultimately developing the self-assuredness required to assert themselves in any situation.

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self defense training at Government ITI Aliganj, Lucknow day2 image 1.1

Day Three: Bridging Theory and Practice: Realistic Simulations

The third and final day of training aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice through realistic simulations. Participants engage in controlled yet authentic scenarios that replicate real-life threats. This hands-on experience solidifies their techniques and hones their decision-making abilities under pressure. By facing their fears in a controlled environment, participants develop a profound sense of empowerment that stays with them beyond the training sessions.

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self defense training at Government ITI Aliganj, Lucknow day 3 image 1.1

Conclusion: A Future Empowered

The self-defense training program by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Aliganj, Lucknow, goes beyond physical techniques. It instills a profound sense of confidence and empowerment in participants. As they step forward with these newfound skills and knowledge, they not only enhance their personal safety but also contribute to a safer and more confident society. This training is not just about self-defense; it’s about empowering individuals to take control of their own security and, in doing so, shaping a brighter, safer future for all.

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Empowering Safety: A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at World Bank Mahila Government ITI, Varanasi

self defense training at World Bank Mahila Government ITI, Varanasi

Day 1: Building a Foundation of Awareness

The instructors dedicate the first day of the self-defense training program to cultivate a foundation of awareness and proactive safety measures. They introduce participants to the importance of situational awareness – the ability to assess one’s surroundings and recognize potential threats. Through interactive discussions and engaging activities, the participants learn to trust their instincts and become more conscious of their environment. This awareness not only empowers them to avoid danger but also instills a sense of control over their personal safety.

Understanding Personal Safety: The Power of Awareness

On this day, participants delve into discussions about personal safety, learning to distinguish between safe and potentially risky situations. Understanding the dynamics of threat perception is vital for making informed decisions. With the guidance of experienced instructors, participants develop the ability to read body language, assess risks, and preemptively steer clear of potentially dangerous scenarios.

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Day 2: Mastering Physical Techniques and Confidence Building

Day two of the training program is focused on mastering physical techniques that empower participants to defend themselves effectively. Guided by skilled trainers, participants learn a range of techniques that capitalize on their individual strengths and capabilities. The goal is to instill physical confidence while fostering an environment of self-assuredness.

Unleashing Inner Strength: Techniques for Self-Defense

The heart of day two lies in learning and practicing physical techniques that are tailored for real-world self-defense scenarios. Participants engage in hands-on sessions to perfect striking, blocking, and grappling techniques. These skills are not just about overpowering an aggressor; they also teach participants to use their body’s natural strengths effectively. Through continuous practice, participants develop muscle memory and gain the confidence to respond assertively when faced with adversity.

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Day 3: Realistic Simulations and Integration

The third and final day of training bridges the gap between theory and practice through realistic simulations. This immersive experience empowers participants to apply their learned skills in controlled yet authentic scenarios. The aim is to foster quick decision-making and situational awareness, ensuring that the participants are prepared to react effectively under pressure.

Applying Knowledge in Real Scenarios: Simulations

On the third day, participants engage in a series of role-playing simulations that mimic real-life threats. These scenarios challenge participants to utilize their self-defense techniques while managing heightened emotions and stress. The controlled environment provides a platform for participants to build their self-confidence and resilience, leading to a powerful transformation in their overall demeanor.

Conclusion: Empowerment Beyond Three Days

In just three days, the self-defense training program by SPEFL-SC at World Bank Mahila Government ITI, Varanasi, empowers participants with a comprehensive set of skills and a newfound sense of self-assuredness. The training transcends physical techniques, fostering an environment of mental preparedness, confidence, and awareness. The ripple effect of this training extends beyond the workshop, as participants become advocates for safety and self-confidence within their communities. As they step forward, they not only ensure their personal security but also contribute to a safer and more empowered society. The journey of self-defense doesn’t end after three days – it’s a lifelong pursuit that empowers individuals to face the world with resilience and strength.

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Unleashing Confidence and Safety: Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI, Dadri, GBN

self defense training at ITI dadri

Day 1: Foundation of Awareness and Confidence

The first day of the self-defense training program focuses on building a strong foundation of awareness and self-confidence. Participants are introduced to the core principles of situational awareness, enabling them to recognize potential threats and take proactive measures to avoid them. By understanding their surroundings and tuning into their instincts, participants are empowered to make informed decisions that enhance their safety.

Developing Situational Awareness: The Power of Perception

The opening day delves into the significance of situational awareness. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants learn to evaluate their environment, identify potential risks, and respond appropriately. This newfound awareness not only aids in personal safety but also cultivates a sense of empowerment that extends beyond the training.

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self defense training at ITI dadri day 1 image 1.1

Day 2: Mastering Practical Techniques and Inner Strength

On the second day, the training shifts focus towards mastering practical self-defense techniques. The goal is to equip participants with the tools to protect themselves physically, thereby boosting their confidence and enabling them to stand up against potential threats.

Hands-On Techniques: Empowerment Through Action

Day two is characterized by hands-on training sessions. Participants learn a range of techniques including strikes, blocks, and holds, tailored to their individual strengths and comfort levels. These techniques are designed not only to neutralize potential attackers but also to instill a sense of empowerment within the participants. Through guided practice and expert instruction, participants gain confidence in their ability to physically defend themselves.

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self defense training at ITI dadri day 2 image 1.1

Day 3: Realistic Simulations and Empowerment Integration

The final day of the training program focuses on integrating the acquired skills through realistic simulations. By immersing participants in controlled scenarios that replicate real-life threats, the training aims to prepare them to respond effectively under pressure.

Empowerment in Action: Applying Skills under Stress

Day three presents’ participants with the opportunity to apply their learned skills in realistic situations. Role-playing scenarios challenge them to utilize their self-defense techniques while managing stress and heightened emotions. This practical experience not only enhances their physical preparedness but also solidifies their mental resilience and confidence.

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self defense training at ITI dadri day 3 image 1.1

Conclusion: A Future Secured by Empowerment

In just three days, the self-defense training offered by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI in Dadri, Greater Noida, instills participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take control of their safety. Beyond physical techniques, the program fosters situational awareness, assertiveness, and empowerment that ripple through participants’ daily lives. As they step out into the world equipped with both mental and physical tools, they become advocates for their own security and role models for others. This initiative isn’t just about self-defense; it’s about creating a community of empowered individuals who confidently embrace life’s challenges.

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Empowering Safety: A Comprehensive Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at World Bank Mahila ITI & Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Welfare Society Katra, Prayagraj

self defense training at world mahila bank iti and Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Welfare Society Katra, Prayagraj

Day 1: Foundation of Awareness and Preparedness

The inaugural day of the training concentrated on establishing a strong foundation of awareness and preparedness. The trainers introduced participants to the key concepts of personal safety, emphasizing the importance of staying alert and vigilant. Experts from SPEFL-SC led engaging discussions on understanding potential threats and the psychology of aggressors.


Key Highlights

Mindset Shift: Encourage participants to adopt a proactive mindset that fosters confidence and a readiness to handle various situations.
Risk Assessment: Through interactive activities, attendees learned to assess risks in their surroundings and identify potential danger zones.
Verbal Self-Defense: The speaker shared practical techniques for defusing tense situations using effective communication strategies.
self defense training at world mahila bank iti day 1

Day 2: Unleashing Physical Empowerment

The second day marked a shift towards physical empowerment. Led by experienced self-defense instructors, participants delved into the realm of practical techniques aimed at enhancing physical preparedness and response. With a focus on instinctual movements and simple yet effective maneuvers, attendees gained hands-on experience in defending against common physical threats.

Key Highlights

Basic Strikes and Blocks: Essential striking techniques were taught, enabling participants to create separation and create opportunities for escape.

Escape from Holds: Demonstrations and practice sessions focused on escaping various holds and grabs, equipping participants with the ability to break free from attackers.

Ground Defense: The importance of ground defense was underscored, with instructors teaching methods to escape from disadvantaged positions.

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self defense training at world mahila bank iti day 2 image 1.2

Day 3: Putting Knowledge into Action

The final day of the training culminated in simulated scenarios that allowed participants to apply the knowledge and skills acquired over the previous two days. This practical approach provided a real-world context for participants to understand their reactions under pressure and fine-tune their responses.

Key Highlights

Scenario Drills: Participants engaged in role-playing scenarios, enabling them to practice their self-defense techniques in controlled but realistic situations.

Decision Making: Stress management and quick decision-making under pressure were emphasized, enabling attendees to stay composed during critical moments.

Confidence Boost: Successfully navigating through the scenarios boosted participants’ self-confidence and reaffirmed the effectiveness of the training.

Conclusion: Stepping Forward with Confidence

In just three days, the self-defense training conducted by SPEFL-SC at World Bank Mahila ITI and Dr. Bhimrao welfare Society Katra, Prayagraj, achieves remarkable transformations. Beyond teaching physical techniques, the program instills a profound sense of confidence, awareness, and preparedness. Women emerge from this training as empowered individuals who can navigate the world with self-assuredness and resilience. The ripples of this empowerment extend beyond the training room, as the participants become advocates for safety and confidence in their communities. As they step forward, they exemplify the strength that comes from being prepared and empowered, making the world a safer place for themselves and those around them.

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A Shield of Confidence: SPEFL-SC Self-Defense Initiative in Kupwara (Jammu and Kashmir)

self defense training at kupwara

In a significant stride towards empowering young girls in Kupwara, SPEFL-SC (Sports, Physical Education, Fitness, and Leisure Skills Council) organized an event at Government Girls Higher Secondary School on October 25th. The event was dedicated to distributing self-defense kits to approximately 400 girls who had undergone intensive training as part of the self-defense program led by SPEFL-SC, sponsored by Indian Railways under (CSR) initiative.

Self defense kit distribution(Kupwara)

Kupwara Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ayushi Sudan was present as the chief guest. Principal of GHSS Kupwara Bashir Ahmed Shah and Lieutenant Colonel Sanjay Pawar along with dedicated trainers from the Skill Development Council are also present there. The event garnered substantial participation from the school faculty and a large contingent of enthusiastic students.

During the event, DC Ayushi Sudan personally distributed the self-defense kits among several girl students, emphasizing the importance of equipping young women with the skills and tools to protect themselves. She emphasized that self-defense training should be a fundamental right for every girl student, as it plays a vital role in fostering self-confidence and resilience. She commended the students for their fervent participation in the recent “Meri Suraksha, Meri Zimmedari” campaign, highlighting their commitment to personal safety.

Our trainers successfully trained 400 girls in self defense in just seven days of training. SPEFL-SC not only enhancing their physical abilities but also instilling in them a sense of self-confidence, which will help them throughout their life.

SPEFL-SC continues to be a guiding force for young individuals, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to confidently navigate the world. Through such initiatives, we are contributing to creating a more secure and empowered future for the girls of Kupwara.

Building Confidence and Safety: A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW

A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Certificate Distribution images

Day 1: Foundations of Self-Defense and Situational Awareness

The first day of the self-defense training program focuses on laying the groundwork for personal safety. Participants are introduced to the essential concept of situational awareness – the ability to assess their surroundings, identify potential threats, and make informed decisions. Through interactive discussions and exercises, the girls learn to tune into their instincts and recognize signs of danger. By cultivating this proactive mindset, they are better equipped to avoid risky situations altogether.

Understanding Threats: Identifying Potential Dangers

On the first day, participants delve into discussions about common scenarios and potential risks they might encounter. They learn to differentiate between different levels of threats and understand the importance of preemptive action. This knowledge serves as a foundation for the physical techniques they will learn in the following days.

A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Day 1 images
A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Day 1.1

Day 2: Mastering Physical Techniques and Building Confidence

With a strong foundation in situational awareness, the second day of training delves into mastering physical techniques that empower participants to protect themselves effectively. Guided by experienced instructors, the girls learn a range of techniques, including strikes, blocks, and holds, tailored to their individual strengths and abilities. This day is about harnessing their inner strength and developing muscle memory that will serve them well in times of need.

Strikes and Defense Maneuvers: Unleashing Inner Power

The heart of day two is dedicated to learning and practicing physical techniques that can be employed in self-defense situations. The participants are introduced to powerful striking techniques and defense maneuvers that enable them to deflect and disable potential attackers. Through guided practice sessions, they develop the coordination and confidence to use these techniques effectively. This newfound physical empowerment is coupled with an emphasis on maintaining a strong and assertive demeanor.

A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Day 2 images
A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Day 2.1

Day 3: Realistic Simulations and Integration

The third and final day of training focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice through realistic simulations. This immersive experience empowers participants to apply their learned skills in controlled yet authentic scenarios. The goal is to build their confidence in making split-second decisions under pressure, further solidifying their ability to defend themselves effectively.

A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Day 3
A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Day 3.1

Putting it to the Test: Realistic Scenarios

On the third day, the participants engage in a series of role-playing scenarios that replicate real-life threats. These simulations challenge them to employ their self-defense techniques while dealing with heightened emotions and adrenaline. The controlled environment allows them to build a sense of empowerment and resilience, fostering a profound transformation in their self-confidence.

Conclusion: Empowered for Life

In just three days, the self-defense training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, Lucknow, equips young women with a potent blend of mental preparedness and physical prowess. The training transcends physical techniques, empowering participants to proactively safeguard themselves through awareness, assertiveness, and confidence. The impact of this training extends beyond the immediate workshop, as the participants become advocates for safety within their communities. As they step forward with newfound empowerment, they not only ensure their personal security but also contribute to a safer and more confident society.

A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Certificate Distribution images
A Three-Day Self-Defense Training by SPEFL-SC at Government ITI Mohan Lal Ganj, LUCKNOW Certificate Distribution images

10,000 girls from 16 UP districts to get self-defence training

LUCKNOW: The first phase of the self-defense training program for girls began at UP Skill Development Mission (UPSDM) ITI in the city on Monday.  Minister of State for vocational education and skill development (independent charge) Kapil Dev Agrawal inaugurated it during the one-day employment fair. Under the program, 10,000 girls from UP districts will receive self-defense training. It will be provided by the Sports, physical education, fitness and Leisure – skills Council (SPEFL-SC) under the skill acquisition and knowledge awareness for livelihood promotion (SANKALP) program of UPSDM. Agrawal distributed Nirbhaya Kits to 12 girls who completed the four-day training workshop as part of the program.

10,000 girls from 16 UP districts to get self-defence training
Chief executing officer, SPEFL-SC, Tahsin Zahid said, "We are trying to conduct training in every educational institution of the state for which we are in talks with UP education department." "Once we complete training 15, 000 girls we will be writing a letter to qualify for Guinness World Records," he added.